Welcome to AgriClima Consulting
AgriClima Consulting is an advisory company that offers high standard service in an environment of international cooperation.
Our international team has a multicultural profile with highly qualified technical experts.
AgriClima Consulting works in the area of sustainable development, blockchain for land records and real estate, blockchain technology in agriculture, livestock improvement, agribusiness value chain, agriculture, LCA, LCC, biodiversity conservation, rural development, migrants, asylum seekers, food security, climate change mitigation and adaptation, education, training and extension services, policy, legislation, monitoring, and evaluation.
AgriClima Consulting commitment to Blockchain technology
The advantages of Blockchain include:
- Thanks to disintermediation the system is able to work without any central data
storage or expensive infrastructure in one hands. The costs are redistributed
among the network.
- High quality of transaction data.
- Fast money or property management transactions.
- Reducing transaction costs by eliminating intermediaries and overhead costs.
-Efficiency document management.
- Creating self-describing smart contracts with existing applications.
- Traceability, tracking goods.
Our Projects
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Recent News
Securing Land Registration using Blockchain
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877050920311649 Abstract The current land registration process involves a lot of vulnerabilities and people uses…
European Defence Fund (EDF) Info Days 2023
On 28-29 June 2023, the European Commission will organise an Information Day and a Networking…
Construction permission blockchain project in the metropolitan municipality of Shkoder (Albania)
AgriClima is developing a Construction Permission blockchain prototype for Albania. AgriClima is building a modern,…
Drought threatens the livelihoods of 7 million farmers in Afghanistan
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Blockchain expo 2021
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Application of Blockchain technology in agriculture
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The Land Registry in the blockchain
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